Enrichment Curriculum
Our students' experience of College is so much more than just their programme they study. At Market Field College, we provide a comprehensive range of additional opportunities which support student development in all sorts of ways. We refer to these activities as 'enrichment'. Enrichment activities extend students' horizons, allowing them to explore their own interests and aspirations as well as learn new skills. In addition to supporting progression, citizenship and employment, activities also support student well-being and develop broader skills and attributes (such as confidence, self-esteem, and independence).
We work hard to provide a wide range of interesting activities for students to take part in but are always open to new suggestions and ideas of activities students would like to do.
Examples of recent and planned activities for 2022/23 include:
- N-Act Theatre Performance of 'Invisible'
- Sailing residential with The Sea-Change Sailing Trust
- End of year Summer Ball
- Whole College trip to Brightlingsea Lido
- Weekly after College clubs
- Speak Out Challenge
- Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE)
- Driveability